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CONGRATULATIONS The Most Distinguished and

On January 12th, 2017 Dr. Carmen M. Castro, was awarded "The Most Distinguished and Most Influential Female Latina of The Middle East Cultural Icon Legacy Award of 2017," for her years of Academic Excellence as a Distinguished Professor of International Business and Global Economics and for being the Founder & CEO of Aurora International, LLC. Dr. Castro has dedicated her award to Mrs. Dasha Perez - Adkins who is one of her former students from the College of Saint Elizabeth who is now an HR Business and Managing Partner for Unilever US and Switzerland. Dasha is one of the Puerto Rican female students who is following in the footsteps of Dr. Castro in making a difference in the way Hispanic women are viewed around the world. Most importantly, Dr. Castro also dedicates her award to her mother and all of the women from her homeland, the Island of Puerto Rico and to all of her female students from the United States of America and around the world.

We would like to take this opportunity to say congratulations Dr. Castro for her academic legacy as an International Academician and Global Leadership Style as the Founder & CEO of Aurora International, LLC.

¡Mujeres en negocios en la Isla de Puerto Rico, sí podemos hacer una diferencia positiva en todo el mundo!

¡Creer en ti misma, para que otros crean en ti!

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